Participate in the GSA Global Quality Measures Survey
Despite a recent resolution by the WHO and increasing worldwide recognition that sepsis poses a major global health threat, our knowledge of what sepsis surveillance, treatment, quality improvement (QI), and reporting practices look like across the world is surprisingly limited and fragmented. As a community of stakeholders from policy makers to healthcare providers, we need to know more about how these programs and practices vary between regions, between patient populations, and between healthcare settings.
The Global Sepsis Alliance is conducting a global survey, which will operate through 2 arms.
The first arm is a targeted survey that will be distributed to the head of every national government health agency in the UN member states. The second arm is a publicly available survey that is targeted to various healthcare providers, health administrators, and government health officials across the world. We aim for participation that includes every UN member state, from diverse types of healthcare providers, and from diverse patient populations.
The survey begins by clarifying respondents’ roles to ask only the questions that are relevant to them. The following 15-20 questions should take about 7-9 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous, and no data will ever be released in a manner that would allow any specific healthcare institution to be singled out.
Please make the voice of Africa heard and participate in the survey now: