About Us
The African Sepsis Alliance is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 as a collaboration of African countries and international professional bodies dedicated to improving outcomes from sepsis. Our message is simple: sepsis is the most important cause of severe illness in Africa and must be prioritized in order to save lives and reduce suffering.
We would like to reduce the impact of sepsis (mortality and suffering) by bringing about large scale improvements in sepsis awareness, education, care, research and funding in Africa – we can save millions of lives every year.
The ASA is supported by the Global Sepsis Alliance, the African Federation of Critical Care Nurses, and the World Federation of Critical Care Nurses.
Our Vision
Africa free of sepsis.
Our Mission
Our mission is to achieve an Africa free of sepsis. Everybody in Africa has a right to survive sepsis and we provide leadership to reduce mortality and suffering from sepsis.
What We Do
Lobby for Change
The African Sepsis Alliance works with its members, governments, the World Health Organization, and engaged individuals to change how sepsis is prioritized, diagnosed, and treated within Africa, as laid out by the WHO Resolution on Sepsis.
Educate on Sepsis
Each year in Africa, millions of individuals develop sepsis. Many do not survive, and an additional one-third of survivors die during the following year. Many survivors face life-long consequences, such as new physical, mental, and cognitive problems. The ASA wants to educate all Africans about all aspects of sepsis.
Develop and Implement a Pan-African Sepsis Strategy
Bringing together all stakeholders, including patients and their families, with the aim to increase understanding that improvement of early recognition and appropriate management of sepsis must become the keystone of the Pan-African infection management strategy.
Raise Awareness on Social Media
One key part to fighting sepsis in Africa is awareness. Studies show that only 6 % to 50 % have heard the term sepsis before, highly depending on the country. To raise awareness for sepsis, we bring relevant information about sepsis and the work of the ASA directly to you - on Twitter or Facebook.